Let's brainstorm for health reform reform.

Time to be imaginative. The following is a common "what if" discussion which will help us discover new to be able to existing problems of social concern. If the by following numbers are somewhat imprecise, it should not reality.

Premise: There are three big obstacles covering the road for Obama's Health protection.

First is that solutions based upon more government are stop efficiency and anti business venture. The Russian experience dealing with communism proves that "What's in it for me" and "use all of the different brain power available" work better means to good last results.

Second is poor transfer of information, even with internet service. Perhaps that problem lies within education system. Self responsibility is simply the best approach to healthcare via prevention achieved by good life styles. Despite this, people still want to chop weight while eating all the calories possible, and to be improved while smoking, vegetating over TV, and drinking too many alcohol and sugary juice.

Third is greed. Pharmacy companies manage available for sale us on pills that are not as effective as good life style, and other companies still promote valueless herbal pills and magic health-related products. Imagine making placebos, cabohydrate supply pills, for 10 dollars per hundred, including sizes. Charge $1 per sexual and recommend one pill afternoon. 90 cents times 365 days per year is $328. 50 income every year. Of course, most magic is sold for much substantial prices, and to on average 1 person. Re support that calculation for d - million people, where the n ranges from 1 that will assist 316 (USA 2008).

Here any approach to health reform that just might work. It can't be not as effective as all the policies at the present time tried.

1. Go for national medicine and health, also known as free insurance coverage.

Remove ALL constraints by visiting personal payments for physical fitness services, such as have been making Medicare such a frustrating tangle. (Let individual choice warn us or even national programs are not less expensive. )

2. Speed up deliberations from your FDA (U. S. As well as Drug Administration) on approval of recent medicines and review and if old approvals. Require honest clinical trials with no sponsored authors or bribed entrepreneurs. Demand full disclosure in contemplating all claims and evidence, available around the internet, both for on also off label use.

3. Withhold free care to anyone who smokes, is overweight, does not exercise the bare minimum with a 2 mile daily walk, uses the recreational drug, and generally ignores basic health thinking. Of course, the fast food industry probably will change or go below.

4. While we is at it, let's also affect the major incentive for a number of organized crime. Make all recreational drugs available at minimal with no legal polices on use. And emphasize that drug use means no free health coverage. One option would should also be to tax such drugs whenever we now do tobacco until it is gone alcohol.

5. Now take the same monies presently spent on fighting drug treatments, plus funds raised from "sin taxes" on cigarette smoking, alcohol, plus the proposed newly legalized recreational drugs and apply the actual paying for the free national health care insurance.

What are ballpark dollar amounts with this discussion? Even with internet search engines helping, the at the conclusion of numbers are rough prices.

We now spend nearly $12 billion per year to fight illegal pharmaceutical drugs, plus several times which often can for legal prosecution and if dealers and users, prisons, government employees, and the same police work. The total is demonstrated that they are on the order of $50 billion a discount to fight drug war. How much we spend on the actual drugs isn't easy to estimate, but is inclined several times as a whole lot. For argument, say $100 to execute $200 billion. (Wow! )

Obama says that "Healthcare is one-sixth from your economy,... "

The AT. S. GDP for 2008 was estimated of this order of $14 million, so that implies to around $840 billion, or around $3000 per capita of 300 million USA population. (That is actually not necessarily a bad average figure, if honest. )

So, let's say we shift roughly $100 to $250 billion 1 year from the drug wave and drug purchases. Were talking perhaps 12 to fit 29 percent of the expense of health care. Not enough produce a "free health insurance" in truth free, but probably enough to stay the trust funds with regard to instance Medicare and Social Extra trails from near term financial distress.

Is this discussion only a fantasy? Perhaps. But as a result all the government request for fighting drugs and providing healthcare to our masses.

Remember, the experienced Prohibition on alcohol do not work, but awareness programs and self help groups do. An an element of self responsibility is critical.

Wellness is a well being. See how easy it is prudent to manage weight rather than hunger, at [http://easyhealthdiet.com/diet.htm]. Easy exercise in the slightest ages stimulates immunity to offer common scary diseases, [http://easyhealthdiet.com/eeaa.htm]. Creator software Dr. Don Miller

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