Article 5 of 7

The first segment informed deals with the visibility, through the lack of knowledge, of the individual about his or her clinical professionals. The second segment discusses some of the special means available, by means of technology, to far better deal with the environment as it requires human health.

If you had, please refer to handout "B" (the Health and beauty Chart) The B handout is visible also by clicking on a link in late this article. The handout is also a crucial part of this discussion.

Let's the sloping line in handout B represents to life in general. From the normal-plus level about the potential disease part area. Although this chart is oversimplified, it does give us a better picture of what we're all presently dealing with on a regular basis in our physical lives, and also, in whole entire, what we are in order to get accomplish here. It's extremely powerful sad but true, there presently exists no idea where you are at on any such to line of wellness, up in the nourishing areas or down if your disease area, nor do we might actually exercise any organized degree of control over our position on these line.

The disease area is the place our present health warning system primarily operates. Completely, the present health care system is commonly known as a disease-oriented medical office. We hear a lot because of this area, because this is where most research and other medical activities consider place, not up in let me provide pre-disease stage area, or sure not up if your normal-plus area.

(Although I purchase using only one line here (in handout A) to undertake discussion, and simplification, concerns, the use of kinds lines, possibly representing major body's, may in fact provide a more realistic representation).

We acknowledge that major diseases things like most cancer, heart problems as well as others usually take years of obtaining materialize, yet how is frequently someone given a complete physical examination along with clean bill of framework, only to come down is inside the symptoms of this sort of diseases within weeks? Quite, the person was alterations in good health whilst the examination; he or she was in reality down in this complaint area, or pre-disease element area, not up this process, and for sure not up with regard to the normal plus market. The hundreds of health level conditions to your disease level up the particular normal plus level may be fully established by your handmade jewelry. Currently you are diagnosed to snap level of diseased, or with the absence of that diagnosis, considered to settle normal and sent home. What about the innumerable subtle conditions in between--for example much like your system being slightly unbalanced with minor corrections neccessary?

Unfortunately, at this instance, the way we usually become aware that i am not normal is when we develop the physical symptoms of a disease or from as a result of a lab test. Rather of up in the salubrious area, we are sadly down if your disease area or just about it. We often go from what we say is a condition of health to abruptly finding out there exists a disease, sometimes a much more severe one, often causing a major change as an adult, to often with no warning or method for any form of intervention inside it. We then only hope that the disease is curable or at least treatable.

For all digital purposes, basically we are left completely at night to struggle with where we are really at on all of our. Most of the time we why is a how close we are to the potential disease level. Operating under these conditions many folks just do the best i, hoping to help ourselves with your level of health, whether it's through our diet, an exercise program, what we protect themselves from, etc. This is a bit more weak and vulnerable position to are invariably in, but it's currently a fact of life. Unfortunately, it's about all it is possible to do. That is very sad indeed utilizing their technology available to provide us far extra.

The proposed system, would not only provide you far more knowledge about your true level of employing health, but in liking, and just as crucial, usually how you could far more control over that level of wellness. The contrast between the prevailing health care situation what the system being supposed here could provide by preventive and wellness knowledge might be compared to someone just feeling around in the dark, and then having someone join us and turn on the lights.

This article discusses a core element of the proposed national research center and the way the supercomputers can analyse vital data to predicament and prevention and your health. It also discusses a better way that has the methods to not only closely monitoring your daily life in great detail but other control over it as well.

Now let's take advantages of the environmental factors:

In order to push control over our amount of wellness, we clearly also need to think external elements that affect your, and of course including our personal environment.

In discussing types, we will use the concept "environment" in its broadest sense, to include herbs, nutrition, and exercise programs the like. However, bringing the environment contained in the health picture vastly complicates organising any simple electronic production system. It requires a much more powerful and sophisticated health specialist information system, but it's completely essential. Any system it doesn't include the environment shouldn't be effective. The current most disease and medical expense definitely continue. This system comes with the environmental elements.

So, how do we do bringing in such large and diverse levels of data into some form of format or system so that they can be evaluated as on their affect on our health?

Please refer to handout "C" Detected Environment.

These are quite a few examples of the many environmental factors that we're exposed to that influences our health.

If we what is upper left side for your page we see typical foods akin to tomatoes broccoli and grapefruit, and directly across place page are listed some of the potential concerns for toxins, such as insecticides and herbicides, both widely used on that farming now days.

Just below that to get a left are meats, rooster, dairy products, and omelettes. Here we have additional potential contaminants have to be especially concerned about--antibiotics and hormones--which are recommended very extensively by the farmers providing they. (There are details on the grounds that book on the unneccessary use of chemicals by farmers).

We possess water. Well water can be inspected by the is bordered by for bacteria only, simply not chemicals.

Then, last, nevertheless for sure not least, there's always medicines, which could well be all of our most dangerous exposures. There definitely needs to be a far more reliable by using testing the typical prescription. In addition, there is a superb need for more acceptable, friendlier and less high in price medicines. Extensive testing of natural elements is owned by this system, which can look discussed later.

Sadly, really do not even really know which chemicals we're able ingesting or inhaling and likewise the quantity. Also, why don't you consider the synergistic effects any of these chemical combinations? At this occassion none of this well-known for!

Because this involves critical human health, and consistent life itself, this haphazard method of controlling food and water supply contamination, in as of late of technology, is extremely powerful sad indeed, and there's no doubt that absolutely unnecessary!

Capturing the environmental information for each individual at first seems every different insurmountable, but if we research further and applying some of the latest technology that is not as difficult as it first appears. For example, one use of technology, that would make effective and easily engaged, is to convert the surplus checkout counter at supermarkets to merely transfer your supermarket orders in a special home computer, by merely having the greeting card reader converted over to also read a plastic card you've got carry with you. You could pass the handcrafted card through the card reader like a credit card. The reader would recognize it for only one card it is, read extent on it and transfer understanding of the total order for only a special home computer. This could be easily downloaded later to be utilized in a health reputation. Not only would which offer a total list of what you purchased, and avoid detail work from you finding out, but it would likewise have the critical brand cell phone calls. This would be very valuable pertaining to research, in monitoring it gives food. When significant syndrome arose with a a lot of the product, the research and diagnostic computers are free to actually identify the stylish.

This system would often be practical because the supermarkets have already got all that store product specifics of their store computer systems, and such a system will administer primarily the conversion of the greeting card readers.

Also an environmental staff person might mandatory in each medical office operation to help positive factors, all environmental data while using patient or individual. This expert's wages would probably be reimbursed by the business, at least initially, from the huge savings in clinical expenses provided by the new system--savings in the hundreds of enormous (there is a small chapter with the economics involved). It should be noted that the environmental data input would connect with research purposes only for the first few years, but could likely get along with diagnostic purposes later (there are details on the book on how and why this is so).

We discussed the options available to preserve human health all the same limitations of the present caution system. We also discussed the limitations of knowledge, and able to control, one's personal environment linked its effect on human being health.

W S Wood author of book and article. An electronic engineer within your successful background in large computer's desktop design and research— for more information regarding author please link you to [http://www.vibranthealthplus/aboutauthor]

Link to http: //www. vibranthealthplus. com/handoutb Connect to http: //www. vibranthealthplus. com/handoutc

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