
1. Maintain a low-stress life. Our bodies were not fitted to constant high stress levels. Pray your way from your local neighborhood high-stress lifestyle. If you will get everything else right whilst still being have too much stress - they often destroy your health. Allow the peace of God rule along with your heart! (If it steals your peace - get rid of it! )

2. Eat close persons original diet - Generation. 1: 29 - that fresh raw fruit, seedlings, nuts & seeds. Plenty of green leafy (no iceberg lettuce) - daily. The higher the percentage of raw supply, the stronger the immune system. Target 60-85%.

3. Use pure water. Consume most of your weight in oz daily (120 pound attitude drinks 60 ounces).

4. To suffer your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes, help ease or eliminate: meat, dairy, refined grains, salt these people sugar/sugar substitutes. Avoid dirty meats (pork, shellfish, catfish, give up. ). When eating meal, choose meat which ended up being raised in a natural free-roaming environment with a capable natural diet (i. the. grass-only fed beef) these people raised/processed without hormones, cautious or chemicals. Use meat more as condiment instead of ent'e (or not at all).

5. Help ease or eliminate stimulants. Famed stimulants are nicotine, premium coffee, drugs, salt & sugar. Some herbs are stimulants and temporary use only.

6. Too most important supplements get to live: (a) A multiple vitamin/mineral supplement made simply with raw plant food as well as vitamins raw plant food vitamin antioxidant. And, (b) friendly bacteria/probiotics. The average colon flora is 80% bad bacteria/20% good and should be 80% good bacteria/20% awry. Very important for took up health.

7. Guard the ones from environment. Avoid man-made refrigerants (on skin, in airplane you breath, in foods/drinks you consume is undoubtedly clothing) and man-made electromagnetic fields (EMF's) this is fastest growing health potential and includes electric, magnetic field and wireless radiation. It overrides the male body's own natural electromagnetic field which in turn causes starts the disease adventure. Learn more here: http: //www. Best-EMF-Health. com Get clean air and sunshine daily. Deliberately oxygenate your body daily. Cancer cannot sleep in oxygenated cells.

8. Consume fats with respect to raw, unheated, non-hydrogenated write fats - raw loco & seeds, avocados, grape, extra virgin olive power (most other oils would be heated in processing) and fresh ground flax seed daily. Avoid animal weighing, hydrogenated fat and heated up fat.

9. Eat it really is mandatory right attitude! Chew foods until it turns associated with liquid, in a relaxed environment. Eat when hungry smaller idolize food or apply it comfort. Jesus is the entire comfort - The Casing Well. And let Him provide you forgiveness. Forgiveness directly affects our wellbeing. Just let it install!

10. Maximize 'stop these people go'! Get plenty rest (7-8 hours per day minimum) and use regularly - walking, playground equipment rebounding, video workouts, give up. Variety is the to be able to making exercise easier!

Submitted by Karen Holmes See more health and wellbeing tips at http: //www. Boost-Immune-System-Naturally. com


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