
When discussing Health Care e-mail we need continued creases and consideration, because individual is not going begin the process of anytime soon. It should not be a partisan issue, it is a national issue and yes Congress plays partisan politics over health care.

Of course also remember they (Congress) are the type which caused this Heed disaster, the Social Security ponsi scheme and for that reason many other issues. When making deals during isle they all provide a little so everyone gets what they need, but in the finalization their compromises solve little if anything in all too some cases.

They all help opened their various careers by ordering war chest monies from lobbyist interests to keep their jobs and some get some bacon. But president obama need not be just a little Pork Factory, even in the spring of the Pig.

Now then when it comes to health care. We can no longer grant free-rides. If someone abuses drugs it can take a heart valve when he was 35, whose paying? Just after, people who do not walk 3-miles in one day over age 40 may be costing us dearly, and in what ways food they consume; Diabetes mellitus. We have smokers, alcohol consumption abusers too.

If people want health care they need to be held accountable too. The blending and funding making in Congress many focus on is desirable to a point, however when those points go over the mission statement, we've got to hold short and avoid. What FDR started with similar SS was never intended to be what it is more.

Until we handle these crisis' we really have no business accusing off and charging up bad weather on the high interest bank cards and leaving the debt to our children? I certainly hope this article is of interest and thats has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to assist you in your quest to work in 2007. I many thanks reading my many information on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" . Online Think Tank environment board. If you have innovative thoughts and his / her perspectives, come think just in case Lance; www. WorldThinkTank. net/. Lance is an online writer in retirement.


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