
Kevin: Let's start off according to introducing yourself and telling everyone for years about how you got to where you are now.

Rhio: Well, we are Rhio. I wrote a book, and I was first travelling to the raw and living food diet i do was a teenager. I was searching for just a not too much summer job. I got a job using an raw juice bar and it was among the most amazing educations that ALL OF ever had because there was clearly people with ulcers embarking for cabbage juice and individuals with kidney problems arriving in for watermelon juice as well as all various types would come in and I would exactly how about it because our company has all new to so i am, and I got an education just from the game enthusiasts themselves.

Kevin: That's enjoyable. And did you know anything about juicing before or did you just need a job?

Rhio: I didn't. This was like brand new to me - the concept that food could actually affect one's self. The only thing that knew prior to which has been I had read incredibly book once that garlic was substantially for the skin and I enjoy have nice skin so since a child, I ate a lot of garlic. This opened up the right education because it connected that this foods influence our health and figure, and I hadn't connected these before.

Kevin: Yes. Let's go forward to now. You're a radio show host and also you also talk to some fantastic people also , you address current issues that revolve around the health and wellness industry and I you need into this. What how can i are the most customary? And let's just get into them individually.

Rhio: The most pressing problem for me is that people truly do not understand what creates health with the body. They are totally ignorant of it and our take, media, the allopathic scientific paradigm, all of that deals an erroneous system that him and i then buy into and believe in your.

Kevin: Right.

Rhio: For example, I believe that what causes disease is always that the our bodies become as possible acidic. So the main situation in the human body is you have to stay in an alkaline state in the blood and in the cell coupled with tissues because our bodies are alkaline by design as acidic in function. What am i saying? Most people don't precisely what that means. It means that to live in a healthy body we've got to maintain the blood and tissues in a slightly alkaline state. But nonetheless ,, many of the processes your

body create acidity inside their function, and that acidity need to be eliminated efficiently for most of us be healthy. And for sure, the best way for doing that is through a diet of raw fruit and veggies predominantly.

Now what happened quite a bit of people don't know that there is a lost chapter in a history of biology. For illustration, back in the 1850s, had been a big like, discussion if, going on in France and Europe from what causes health. And there were two different factions at that time. There was Louis Pasteur, brilliant beliefs have prevailed but we'd also a very haviving influence over microbiologist and scientist of time called Antoine Bechamp. At that time, he had a exemption theory from Pasteur as Pasteur's theory was the idea bacteria and germs basis disease. So Bechamp's theory was that it is not the germ which in turn causes the disease.

He know that there's this tiny minor amount body present. It's inside of an indestructible little body by using the blood and in the tissues, and he called it microzymes. And certain supplemental researchers discovered these operation

tiny indestructible bodies in that , blood and they give it different names. So for example, another researcher called Gunther Enderlein, he named it a protit and any, Gaston Naessens, another scientist up in Canada, he named it the somatid.

Bechamp found that when the terrain is at a slightly alkaline explaining, that body stays simple. In other words, it's just the thing for our bodies. But adopting the body starts going acid, then that microzyma, would change form and turn pathogenic.

Kevin: Right.

Rhio: So the difference involving Bechamp's theory and Pasteur's theory is day and night. Pasteur said that the germs invade the body from the outside and for you to disease whereas Bechamp testified that the germ exists as a result of body and changes form if you are body becomes acid. But even at that time, Bechamp with the microscopes that they, he was able to get the changes occurring. He were able to see it and scientists today can consider it as well. The only problem is when they do visualize it they say that something invaded the medium. So that they don't understand that it's happening in its bristling medium, that the germ can be changing its forms and becoming more pathogenic.

Kevin: So the media obviously plays a vital role in passing along this information as are corporations and those who are looking at these microzymes.

Rhio: Fine, you see people are unaware that that even exists. That isn't commonly known because down in the Antoine Bechamp and Pasteur, were in that , mid-1800's, when they were achieving the discussion in Europe. For years and years, different scientists have generate it, but it's all been unrelated in a relationship, so they never met up and plus they also engaged different times so nothing ever got together for just a different idea of how to become healthy.

Kevin: Sure.

Rhio: Just think even doctors know this. Because for example, if somebody comes into a physical injury ward in the surgical. What's the first thing they do? They have to look at your blood pH and make sure that your alkaline... and they actually end stuff in your bloodstream to be certain of you're alkalinic.

Kevin: Possible?

Rhio: Because when you're in a traumatic state, you're acid identified to change that, on one hand, they're going to lose the victim.

Kevin: Wow! I wasn't conscious about that. It's incredible!

Rhio: Primarily, doctors know all of a stuff, but they are ingrained with the germ theory they don't take it on its logical conclusion.

Kevin: How is this going to development? Is it going to keep to the germ theory or anything and everything?

Rhio: Unless we can you from our raw food community and some of the health community like key alternative health doctors therefore we researchers. If we can this kind of other theory going nothing can beat the one that's being hoisted upon us, I mean basically, if bodies are in a slightly alkaline temperatures, you cannot get sick of. It's impossible to accomplish this.

Kevin: A lot associated with find that hard take into consideration.

Rhio: I know. I lecture about this each and every day. I get thrown all of it. Well, how come there were germs adequate a disease? Well, I'm not saying that germs aren't there. Germs are regarding disease, yes, but they didn't come first. First, came the acidic terrain and that little

germ transformed into a pathogenic form where there you got your trojans.

Kevin: Yes. We clearly know that having a living food diet is going to help us bring us to another one alkaline body pH.

Rhio: Actually.

Kevin: Now, what are a few of the other issues in this particular foods that are causing a couple of this acidity?

Rhio: Fine, of course, the foods of modern commerce, let's say an entire junk foods, like cola seemingly acid, meats create acid, poultry, dairy create acid, even wheat creates acidity in the human body.

Basically, you have to avoid all that acidity. Fine, how you do is actually? The body has mechanisms to operate that. For example, if you're on a high hot oil diet, you're getting too much acid in your diet, so how does our body ameliorate that?

It contains various systems. The most commonly heard system not wearing running shoes has will dissolve calcium and agnesium really bones and teeth as well as to buffer that acidity for this reason we have so little osteoporosis

because with an ever acid diet, the system's constantly doing that and happens overtime is you set about losing your calcium including your magnesium from your bones and teeth and this creates that disease.

Another way that you could ameliorate that is through drinking marvelous water that has some affect on bringing down the acid. Once there is some acidity, then what arrives is disease starts expose formed. For example, when there's thicker acidity and it's not eliminated properly, then the body throws against each other into the extremities of ones body because it would like to keep it unfeasible circulatory system.

That's why you have like diseases of the bones like arthritis and things like that because all the acidity attends the joints and whatever is not the main circulation because if you've acidity in

the cause circulation, it's a life-threatening situation and the body knows this because your entire body is so intelligent. It can do everything it can recover buffer the acidity, but when it cannot do that, that's

when ensuring diseases manifest.

Kevin: Certainly. You've mentioned calcium, you have mentioned osteoporosis, it's a big hot topic. How by using people still drinking milk products, which creates acidity throughout the calcium and when there's information in the marketplace that says, "Hey! This is really part of a file corruption error, not the solution. "

Rhio: Fine, I think people still buy your health information from mainstream media that's a problem because mainstream media rarely provides each truth. The dairy industry consists of program, thus forever, to think that i wanted dairy for calcium which is often not be more wrong. I mean the fantastic most assimilable calcium of the earth is from environmentally friendly greens.


Kevin Gianni the result host of "Renegade Health Show" - an enjoyable and informative daily health signify is changing the appearance of health across the ballpark. His is an another country known health advocate, novelist, and film consultant. He has helped vast quantities of people in using 21 countries though internet marketers health teleseminars on living and then judge raw food. He could possibly be creator and co-author regarding "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution"


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